What are weekend payday loans?
Emergencies do not only happen during the hours of 9-5. Whereas in the past you may have struggled to get a loan outside of normal business hours, many direct lenders in the UK now offer a whole range of loans designed to give you the money you need quickly and easily, including payday loans, instant loans and weekend payday loans. Weekend payday loans are specifically designed to aid those who may suddenly find themselves in need of cash at the most inconvenient of times.

Understanding that the need for such weekend payday loans is often urgent and stressful, weekend payday lenders strive to place the money you need into your account as quickly as possible. Weekend payday loans are similar to normal payday loans in that they are often required to be repaid quickly.
Who are the best weekend payday lenders?
There are many different factors to consider when looking to compare weekend payday loans. This includes whether the lender is a registered lender and of course how fast they can give you the money you need. To find the best weekend payday loans, you then need to compare the loans offered by different companies, such as Sunday payday lenders, and relate this to your own situation and requirements.
By doing this, you give yourself a better chance of making the right decision and getting the best payday loan deal for you. As such, it has always been highly recommended that you do as much research as you can before making your decision.
Understanding that such a detailed investigation is not always possible, especially if it is the weekend, our partner quickly compiles a list of the best lenders for you; including those lenders most likely to say yes. This allows you to quickly locate and compare the best loan rates, and more importantly, get the funds you require quicker than ever before.
You can apply for a loan at New Horizons 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Unlike banks, we never close.
New Horizons
Are weekend payday loans very expensive?
The answer is yes and no. There is no doubt that loans such as weekend payday loans feature what appear to be very high APRs. In fact, the difference compared to longer-term loans can often be very big. This, of course, looks shocking and instantly puts people off.
However, this APR is not a true representative in that this is only the annual repayment rate. Because weekend payday loans are designed to be repaid in a very short period, often one month, the amount you repay is often not as much as you would think. Of course, we always recommend that you simply check for yourself how much you will have to repay before taking out a loan.
Used correctly, and providing you repay the money you borrow in the time agreed upon, these loans can often be a very useful solution for emergencies that occur during a weekend.
If you are struggling with your debts and require assistance. You can speak to the companies below, free of charge.